
shmem_thread_register - cray specific routine to unregister threads on a
previously registered thread using shmemx_thread_register routine


C/C++ Synopsis

void shmemx_thread_unregister(void);

Deprecated Synopsis

Deprecated Fortran Synopsis



If the currently provided thread safety level is SHMEM_THREAD_MULTIPLE, any
thread that calls shmemx_thread_register() must call shmemx_thread_unregister()
to unregister the thread before the thread exits. Failure to do this is
undefined behavior that may cause the program to fail. If the calling thread
is registered, this routine unregisters the thread, otherwise this routine
has no effect. If this routine encounters an error, it prints an error message
and aborts.


Most thread-safe SHMEM calls must occur while the calling thread is
registered; that is, between a shmemx_thread_register() call and a
shmemx_thread_unregister() call. The following routines are exempt
from this restriction.

-   shmemx_init_thread()
-   shmem_finalize()
-   shmem_query_thread()
-   shmem_my_pes()
-   shmem_n_pes()

All other thread-safe SHMEM calls should occur while the calling thread
is registered.