
shmemx_team_split_2d - partitions an existing parent team into two subgroups,
based on the two-dimensional Cartesian space defined by xrange, and yrange


C/C++ Synopsis

void shmemx_team_split_2d(shmem_team_t parent_team, int xrange, int yrange,
                          shmem_team_t *xaxis_team, shmem_team_t *yaxis_team)


        A valid PE team. A predefined team constant or any team created by a
        split team routine may be used.

xrange  A non-negative integer representing the number of elements in
        the first dimension.

yrange  A non-negative integer representing the number of elements in
        the second dimension.

        A new PE team handle representing a PE subset consisting of all the
        PEs that are in the same row in the X-axis.

        A new PE team handle representing a PE subset consisting of all the
        PEs that are in the same column in the Y-axis.


The shmemx_team_split_2d routine is a collective routine. It
partitions an existing parent team into two subgroups, based on the
two-dimensional Cartesian space defined by the tuple (xrange, yrange)
describing the size of the Cartesian space in X and Y dimensions. Each
subgroup contains all PEs that are in the same dimension, along the X-
axis and Y-axis. Within each subgroup, the PEs are ranked based on
position of the PE with respect to its dimension in two-dimensional
Cartesian space.

Any valid PE team can be used as the parent team. This routine must be
called by all PEs in the parent team. The value of the tuple must be
non-negative, and the size of the parent team should be greater than
or equal to the size of the two-dimensional Cartesian space. None of
the parameters need to reside in symmetric memory.

Error checking will be done to ensure a valid team handle is provided.
All errors are considered fatal and will result in the job aborting
with an informative error message.


C/C++ Example

The example program shows the shmemx_team_split_2d routine being used
to create two teams, consisting of PEs which share the same row on the
X-axis as xaxis_team and PEs which share the same column on the Y-axis
as yaxis_team. The size of the xaxis_team and yaxis_team are
determined based on the xrange and yrange values.
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <shmem.h>
#include <shmemx.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int rank, npes;
    int t_pe, t_size;
    int xrange, yrange;
    shmem_team_t xaxis_team;
    shmem_team_t yaxis_team;

    rank = shmem_my_pe();
    npes = shmem_n_pes();

    xrange = (npes != 1) ? floor(log(npes)/log(2)) : 1;
    yrange = (npes != 1) ? floor(log(npes)/log(2)) : 1;
    shmemx_team_split_2d(SHMEM_TEAM_WORLD, xrange, yrange,
                         &xaxis_team, &yaxis_team);

    if (xaxis_team != SHMEM_TEAM_NULL) {
        t_size = shmemx_team_npes(xaxis_team);
        t_pe   = shmemx_team_mype(xaxis_team);

        printf("Global PE %d has team_pe of %d out of %d in xaxis_team\n",
                rank, t_pe, t_size);

    if (yaxis_team != SHMEM_TEAM_NULL) {
        t_size = shmemx_team_npes(yaxis_team);
        t_pe   = shmemx_team_mype(yaxis_team);

        printf("Global PE %d has team_pe of %d out of %d in yaxis_team\n",
                rank, t_pe, t_size);

    return 0;