
Performs an atomic cswap to a remote short data object.


C/C++ Synopsis

short shmemx_short_cswap(short *target, short cond, short value, int pe);


target  The remotely accessible short data object to be updated on the
        remote PE. When using  C/C++, the type of target should match that
        implied in the SYNOPSIS section.
cond    cond is compared to the remote target value. If cond and the remote
        target are equal, then value is swapped into the remote target;
        otherwise, the remote target is unchanged. In either case, the old
        value of the remote target is returned as the routine return value.
        cond must be of type short.
value   The value to be atomically written to the remote PE. value is of
        type short.
pe      An integer that indicates the PE number on which target is to be


shmemx_short_cswap performs an atomic conditional swap operation. It writes
value into target on PE if the condition is met and returns the previous
contents of target as an atomic operation.

Return Values

The content that had been at the target address on the remote PE prior to
the swap is returned.

