
Sets the signal value of a remote data object.


C11 Synopsis

void shmem_signal_set(shmem_ctx_t ctx, const uint64_t *sig_addr, uint64_t signal,
                     int pe);

C/C++ Synopsis

void shmem_signal_set(const uint64_t *sig_addr, uint64_t signal, int pe);
void shmem_ctx_signal_set(shmem_ctx_t ctx, const uint64_t *sig_addr,
                     uint64_t signal, int pe);


ctx         A context handle specifying the context associated with this
            session. When this argument is not provided, the operation is
            performed on the default context.
sig_addr    Symmetric address of the signal data object to be updated on the
            remote PE
signal      Unsigned 64-bit value that is used for updating the remote
            sig_addr signal data object.
pe          PE number of remote target process.


shmem_signal_set writes value into the signal data object pointed to by
sig_addr on target PE. The update to the sig_addr signal object at the
calling PE is expected to satisfy the atomicity guarantees as provided
by the SHMEM signaling operations. Refer shmem_put_signal operations for
more details on the signaling atomicity guarantees.

Return Values
