
shmemx_team_n_pes - returns the total number of PEs in
the provided team


C/C++ Synopsis

int shmemx_team_n_pes(shmem_team_t newteam);

Deprecated Synopsis

Deprecated Fortran Synopsis

INTEGER(KIND=8) newteam


newteam A valid SHMEM team handle.


The shmemx_team_n_pes function returns the number of processes in the
team. This will always be a value between 1 and the total number of
PEs. For the team SHMEM_TEAM_WORLD, this will return shmem_n_pes.
Every team must have a least one member. All processes in the team
will get back the same value for the team size.

Error checking will be done to ensure a valid team handle is provided.
All errors are considered fatal and will result in the job aborting
with an informative error message.


By default, SHMEM creates two predefined teams that will be available
for use once the routine start_pes has been called. These teams can be
referenced in the application by the constants SHMEM_TEAM_WORLD and
SHMEM_TEAM_NODE. Every PE process is a member of the SHMEM_TEAM_WORLD
team, and its rank in SHMEM_TEAM_WORLD corresponds to the value of its
global PE rank. The SHMEM_TEAM_NODE team only contains the set of PEs
that reside on the same node as the current PE.