
OpenSHMEM is a Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) library interface specification, which is the culmination of a standardization effort among many implementers and users of the SHMEM programming model. SHMEM has a long history as a parallel programming model on HPE Cray systems. For the past two decades SHMEM library implementation in HPE Cray systems evolved through different generations. HPE Cray OpenSHMEMX is a proprietary, OpenSHMEM specification compliant implementation currently supported on HPE Cray EX and HPE Cray Apollo systems.


The logically shared, distributed memory access routines based on the OpenSHMEM programming model provide low-latency, high-bandwidth communication for use in highly parallelized scalable programs.

The SHMEM data-passing library routines are similar to the message passing interface (MPI) library routines: they pass data between cooperating parallel processes. The SHMEM data-passing routines can be used in programs that perform computations in separate address spaces and that explicitly pass data to and from different processing elements (PEs) in the program.

The SHMEM parallel programming model assumes an MPI-1 like group of processes that runs in parallel from job launch to job termination. No processes can be added or removed from this group and all processes execute the same application. Thus, SHMEM applications are of the SPMD (Single Program Multiple Data) type. SHMEM is a one-sided message passing model in which memory is private to each process.

The SHMEM routines minimize the overhead associated with data passing requests, maximize bandwidth, and minimize data latency. Data latency is the length of time between a PE initiating a transfer of data and a PE being able to use the data.

SHMEM routines support remote data transfer through put operations that transfer data to a different PE and get operations that transfer data from a different PE. Other supported operations are work-shared broadcast and reduction, barrier synchronization, and atomic memory operations.

More information on the SHMEM programming model can be found in the OpenSHMEM standard specification documentation.

OpenSHMEM Compliance

Cray OpenSHMEMX is compliant with the OpenSHMEM API Specification Version 1.5. The following list of operations are supported by the implementation:

  • library setup, exit, and query routines

  • support for multithreading

  • memory management operations

  • team or process subset management routines

  • communication management using contexts

  • remote memory access

  • atomic memory operations

  • signaling operations

  • collective routines

  • point-to-point synchronization routines

  • memory ordering routines

  • distributed locking

  • C11-generic interface

Implementation-specific Features

All implementation specific extensions are prefixed with SHMEMX_ nomenclature and placed inside the shmemx.h and shmemx.fh header.

The following are the list of implementation-specific features available in Cray OpenSHMEMX library:

  • sessions with support for different hints

  • local-node queries

  • thread-hot multithreading features with thread-based memory ordering

  • fine-grain memory ordering operations

  • alltoallv and alltoallv_packed collective operation

  • AMOs with short data types

  • legacy put with signal operation

  • legacy teams and team-based collectives

  • legacy non-blocking put and get RMA operations

All the supported legacy routines are deprecated with a more standard operations defined by the OpenSHMEM specifications. The legacy routines are supported for backward compatibility.

Using Cray OpenSHMEMX

To invoke the compiler for all applications, including SHMEM applications, use either the cc, CC, or ftn command. Do not use vendor-specific compiler commands such as pgcc, as this may result in undefined behavior.


In the example below, an application is first compiled, and the resulting executable is then launched using 128 processes. On most systems, the dependency libraries (PMI and DSMML) are loaded by default.

    module load cray-pmi
    module load cray-dsmml
    module load cray-openshmemx/<version>
    cc -o test_shmem test_shmem.c
    srun -n 128 ./test_shmem

See the srun(1) man page for more information

Support for Dynamic linking

Cray OpenSHMEMX supports just dynamic linking over the Cray EX system. It is also the default build mode. Loading Cray OpenSHMEMX module file automatically retrieves the correct library to link and compile against.


In the example below, an application is first compiled with dynamic linking.

    module load cray-dsmml/<version>
    module load cray-openshmemx/<version>
    cc -o test_shmem test_shmem.c

For dynamic building, users are expected to explicitly load the location
of the Cray OpenSHMEMX in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH as shown in the example below.
Without this setting the library will be linked against the default
library in the system.
     module load cray-dsmml/<version>
     module load cray-openshmemx/<version>
     cc -o test_shmem test_shmem.c

NOTE: As of Cray OpenSHMEMX version 10.0.0, static builds are not supported
in Cray EX systems.

Implementation Notes

Different Available Transport Layers

Cray OpenSHMEMX is designed to be modular to support different transport layers for communication. The current version support the following transport layers:

  • SMP-OFI - OFI for internode and XPMEM for intranode communication

Support for XPMEM is available only on systems with XPMEM kernel.

Managing Memory in Cray OpenSHMEMX

Refer shmem_mem_manage(3) for more information on managing memory in Cray OpenSHMEMX

Interconnect Specific Informations

On Cray Shasta systems, Cray OpenSHMEMX uses libfabric (OFI) for network based communication and data transfer operations.

OpenSHMEM C11-Generic Interfaces

The Cray OpenSHMEMX library supports the OpenSHMEM C11-Generic interface, which is new with OpenSHMEM version 1.3. This interface does not add new functionality, but allows existing routines to be called with a generic name that maps to a type-specific routine based on the type of the arguments. Only certain programming environments support the C11-Generic interface. As of the time of the Cray OpenSHMEMX version 8.0.0 release, these include:

  • CCE 8.5 or later; use the -hstd=c11 flag during compilation

  • GNU 5.1 or later; no additional flags needed

  • Intel 16.0 or later; use the -std=c11 or -std=c1x flag during compilation

To use the C11-Generic interface, you must use a compiler that supports this feature and you must be sure that the first argument to the generic routine is one of the types in the list of the type-specific routines for that functionality.

For example,

`bash long source[8], dest[8]; shmem_get(dest, source, 8, 31); `

is a valid use of C11-Generic because shmem_long_get is one of the type-specific get routines. Refer independent manpages for each routine to understand the supported datatypes.

Zero-length Data Transfer

Per OpenSHMEM specification 1.2 Annex C, support for zero-length transfers is provided for zero-length get and put. Remote memory transfers for zero number of elements are accepted, and this support is provided for both block and non-blocking transfers. The usage of NULL pointers for data transfer usually leads to program abort, but for zero-length transfers, the usage of NULL pointers is accepted.

Cray OpenSHMEMX Locality Awareness

Cray OpenSHMEMX version 9.0.0 and later provides support for locality awareness. On previous versions, we initialized both the network transport options (OFI) and on-node transport (XPMEM) options even on single-node jobs. We used environment variables like SHMEM_USE_SMP to toggle the use of on-node data transfers.

On Cray OpenSHMEMX versions 9.0.0 and later, only on-node transport (XPMEM) options are initialized for single-node jobs. Users can toggle the usage using the following environment variable options: SHMEM_LOCALITY_ONNODE and SHMEM_LOCALITY_OFFNODE. Please refer these environment variables in the the following section, for more information.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables affect SHMEM behavior.

OpenSHMEM Standard Specific Environment Variables

          If set, causes SHMEM to display the Cray OpenSHMEMX version
          number as well as the build date information.

          Default: not enabled

          Controls the size (in bytes) per PE of the symmetric heap.
          Memory segments allocated by calls to shmem_malloc() or
          shpalloc() are taken from the symmetric heap. There is no
          other valid way to use memory from the symmetric heap. If
          there is not enough memory left in the symmetric heap to
          satisfy the shmem_malloc() or shpalloc() request, an error
          message is issued and the job is terminated.

          Note:  Data objects in the static data segment and bss
          segment are also symmetric objects but are not part of the
          symmetric heap and therefore are not counted in the size of
          the symmetric heap as determined by SHMEM_SYMMETRIC_SIZE.

          The value set in this environment variable is interpreted as
          a number of bytes, unless the number is followed by a char
          that acts as a multiplier, where:

          g or G multiplies by 2**30 (gigabytes)

          k or K multiplies by 2**10 (kilobytes)

          m or M multiplies by 2**20 (megabytes)

          For example, the string 20m returns the integer value
          20*2**20, or 20 megabytes.

          Only one multiplier is recognized, so 20kk will not produce
          the same value as 20m, nor will invalid strings such as 20MB
          produce the desired result.

          Floating point input is recognized during expansion, so that
          20.5m will produce 20.5*2**20, or 20.5 megabytes. Values are
          rounded to the nearest byte.

          Default: not set

          Enables logging debug log in the library. Refer SHMEM_DEBUG_LEVEL,
          variables for controling the debug log details.

          Default: not set

Cray OpenSHMEMX Setup and Running Specific Environment Variables

          If set, causes SHMEM to display all SHMEM environment
          variables and their current settings at SHMEM initialization

          Default: not enabled

          To redirect error messages issued by the SHMEM library to
          stdout, set this variable to stdout.

          Default: stderr

          If set, causes SHMEM to abort and produce a core dump when
          SHMEM detects an error. If not set, SHMEM instead calls
          exit() with a non-zero exit status. Note that the shell
          coredumpsize must be set appropriately to enable core dumps.

          Default: not enabled

          If specified, controls the debug log level. With increasing log
          levels more debug logs are generated.

          Following debug log levels are currently supported:

          1 - display warning and error messages

          2 - display entry and exit message logs on user-facing routines
              along with level-1 logs

          3 - display sub-functions details along with level-2 logs

          4 - display overview logs on internal runtime specific metadata
              along with level-3 logs

          5 - display detail logs on internal runtime specific metadata
              along with level-4 logs

          Default: 5

          Specifies and controls the categories of the debug log.
          Comma-separated input is used to support the input with more than
          one category.

          Following categories are supported:

          init     - library initialization
          locality - shared memory device selection
          synch    - synchronization
          put      - put operations
          get      - get operations
          dat      - unknown data transfer operations
          enter    - enter and exit of functions
          coll     - collectives
          mem      - memory statistics
          fi       - Fabric interface (OFI)
          timers   - internal timers
          lock     - internal lock implementation
          thread   - thread specific implementation
          amo      - AMO specific logs
          xpmem    - XPMEM specific logs
          dmapp    - DMAPP specific logs
          counters - NIC Counters
          nic      - NIC misc logs

          Default: all
          With SHMEM_DEBUG and SHMEM_DEBUG_LEVEL enabled, all processes
          logs the debug details into the SHMEM_ERROR_FILE for all the
          available categories in the library.

          Determines the ranks to report the debug log. Specifies the ranks
          to report the debug log. Input options are comma-separated values,
          if more than one rank is provided as input.

          Default: all
          With SHMEM_DEBUG and SHMEM_DEBUG_LEVEL enabled, all processes
          logs the debug details into the SHMEM_ERROR_FILE.

          Sets the percentage of huge_page_freemem that SHMEM
          initialization allows to be allocated for the four SHMEM
          memory regions. Using a value too close to 100% risks having
          the job killed during execution because there is not enough
          memory left for other purposes.

          Default: 95

          If set, causes SHMEM to display information about the job's
          memory allocation during initialization. For more
          information about SHMEM memory allocation and management,
          see the MANAGING MEMORY IN SHMEM section of this man page.

          Default: not enabled

          Specified which version of memcpy to use. Valid values are:

          0         Use the system (glibc) version of memcpy.

          1         Use an optimized version of memcpy if one is
                    available for the processor being used. In this
                    release, an optimized version of memcpy() is
                    available only for Intel processors.

          2         Use a highly optimized version of memcpy if one is
                    available for the processor being used. In this
                    release, a highly optimized version of memcpy() is
                    available only for Intel Haswell, Broadwell and
                    KNL processors.

                    The optimized versions of memcpy may provide
                    better performance in some areas but may have
                    performance regressions in other areas.

                    The benefits may vary depending on the programming
                    environment and the communication pattern (e.g., a
                    point-to-point or all-to-all pattern) on the node.

          Default: 0

Cray OpenSHMEMX and Cray DSMML Interaction Environment Variables

            Specifies the usage of Cray DSMML library as the symmetric
            heap memory management layer. There are two symmetric heap
            management layers available in Cray OpenSHMEMX: (1) internal
            module with basic functionalities, (2) Cray DSMML module with
            advanced and optimized features. By, default Cray DSMML is
            used as the symmetric heap management layer. If set, enables
            the use of Cray DSMML as the symmetric heap management layer
            in Cray OpenSHMEMX.

            Default: 1 (enabled)

            If set, enables the usage of shared symmetric heap (SSHEAP)
            based symmetric memory management operation. SSHEAP is an
            option available to perform on-node data transfer as a direct
            load/store operation. SSHEAP can be considered as a
            replacement for XPMEM and CMA based transfer operation. Usable
            only when SHMEM_USE_DSMML is enabled.

            Default: 1 (enabled)

Cray OpenSHMEMX Multithreading Specific Environment Variables

          Environment variable to display the OpenSHMEM thread safety level
          This environment variable acts as output to retrieve the
          application thread-safety level during runtime

Cray OpenSHMEMX Communication Context Environment Variables

          Sets the maximum number of contexts required per process, if
          known. If the programmer does not know how many contexts will be
          created, the environment variable should not be set. This
          environment variable should be set to the correct value to get
          optimal performance from both the single and multithreaded

          Application initialized with SHMEM_THREAD_SINGLE - 1

          Application initialized with SHMEM_THREAD_MULTIPLE - Dynamically
          calculated maximum number of available network resource available
          per PE in the node. Number of available network resource depends
          on the total number of PEs per node.

Cray OpenSHMEMX - SMP Communication Layer Specific Environment Variables

          Enables or disable on-node SMP copies via XPMEM. This variable
          is enabled by default if there are more than one PEs per node
          and the system supports XPMEM transport.

          Default: 0/1 (enabled/disabled) based on the job configuration

          Enables or disables using off-node network data transfers. This
          variable is enabled by default, if the PEs span across multiple

          Default: 0/1 (enabled/disabled) based on the job configuration

          Sets the maximum size in bytes for on-node SMP copies via
          XPMEM. If set to zero, on-node copy is disabled and all
          traffic is routed through the OFI network. If set to
          a negative value, the maximum size is unlimited and all on-
          node traffic is routed through XPMEM. In the case of strided
          puts and gets, the size limit is compared to the actual
          number of bytes to be put or gotten. The value is
          interpreted as bytes, unless the string ends in a k or K,
          which indicates kilobytes, or an m or M, which indicates

          Default: -1 (unlimited)

          Support for this environment variable is discontinued. Please
          achieve similar functionality.

          Enables or disable on-node SMP copies via XPMEM. If disabled,
          on-node copy is disabled and all traffic is routed through the

          Default: 1 (enabled)

Cray OpenSHMEMX Collectives Specific Environment Variables

          Specifies the blocksize in bytes for shmem_alltoall and
          shmem_alltoallv to use when strip-mining the data transfers.
          For Cray XE systems, the default varies between 256 and
          1536, depending on the number of PEs being used per node. A
          higher number of PEs per node results in a lower blocksize.
          An optimal blocksize may be dependent on the specific
          network configuration. Valid blocksizes range from -1 to
          MAX_INT, in multiples of eight. The value is interpreted as
          bytes, unless the string ends with a K, indicating
          kilobytes, or M, indicating megabytes. A value of -1
          indicates use of the default value.

          Default: -1 (varies)

          Specifies the threshold in bytes at and below which SHMEM
          attempts to use the SMP-aware alltoall algorithm. A strip-
          mined, non-blocking PUT algorithm is used for larger
          transfers. The SMP-aware algorithm usually performs best for
          small alltoall transfers, but has additional restrictions.
          The SMP-aware algorithm will not be used if the PE subset is
          contained to one node or if the PE subset uses only one PE
          per node. In addition, all nodes in the subset must be
          identical in terms of number of PEs per node, with the
          exception of the last node in the set. The SMP-aware
          algorithm requires (number_of_nodes *
          number_of_PEs_per_node^2 * len_of_msg) extra bytes of
          symmetric memory. This can be controlled via the
          SHMEM_ALLTOALL_SYMBUF_SIZE environment variable.

          Default: 32 bytes

          Specifies the amount of additional symmetric memory
          allocated during shmem initialization, to be used for the
          SMP-aware alltoall algorithm. The value is interpreted as
          bytes, unless the string ends in a K, indicating kilobytes,
          or M, indicating megabytes. See the SHMEM_ALLTOALL_SHORT_MSG
          environment variable description to determine how much
          memory is required.

          Default: 4M

          Specifies the synchronization frequency (the number of
          outstanding requests) to use for the shmem_alltoall and
          shmem_alltoallv routines when using non-blocking
          transactions. For Gemini systems, the default varies between
          1 and 256, depending on the number of PEs being used per
          node and the blocksize of the transfers. A higher number of
          PEs per node results in a lower synchronization frequency.
          An optimal synchronization frequency may be dependent on the
          specific network configuration. A valid synchronization
          frequency is in the range of -1 to MAX_INT. A value of -1
          indicates use of the default values.

          Default: -1 (varies)

          By default, shmem_alltoall and shmem_alltoallv use PUTs. If
          this environment variable is set, GETs are used instead.
          This does not apply to the shmem_alltoallv_packed routine.

          Default: not set

          Setting this will enable additional error checking for the
          shmem_alltoallv and shmem_alltoallv_packed collective
          routines to help prevent overwriting data in the target
          array. If set to abort or trunc, the user must pass in the
          maximum number of bytes allowed from each PE in the t_sizes
          array for shmem_alltoallv. Using this data, the
          shmem_alltoallv routine will either abort if any PE plans to
          send more than the maximum bytes it is allowed, or truncate
          the data so that it fits in the maximum allowed bytes. If
          truncation occurs, the returned values in t_sizes will
          reflect the truncated values. Allowed values are none, abort
          or trunc.

          Default: none

          Note:  Setting this option may negatively affect
          performance, as additional communication may be necessary.

          If set, disables collective optimizations that use
          architecture-specific algorithms for some SHMEM collective
          operations. By default, all available collective optimized
          algorithms are enabled.

          To disable all collective optimized algorithms, set
          SHMEM_COLL_OPT_OFF to 1.

          To disable optimized algorithms for selected SHMEM
          collectives, set the value to a comma-separated list of the
          desired collective names. Names are not case-sensitive. Any
          unrecognizable name is flagged with a warning message and

          The following collective names are recognized:
          shmem_alltoall(3), shmem_alltoallv(3),
          shmem_alltoallv_packed(3),shmem_and, shmem_barrier,
          shmem_barrier_all, shmem_broadcast, shmem_max, shmem_min,
          shmem_or, shmem_prod, shmem_sum, and shmem_xor.

          Default: all available collective optimized algorithms are

          Determines the total number of active concurrent teams a single
          process can simultaneaously support. By default, the variable is
          set to 512, refering to the capability of supporting 512
          concurrent teams per process. When more teams are created than
          the specified value, the implementation will run out-of internal
          memory space to maintain psync arrays required for supporting
          team-based collective communication operation and undefined
          behavior is observed.

          Value 512 refers to the total number of explicit and implicit
          teams supported per process. Implicit teams include
          SHMEM_TEAM_WORLD and SHMEM_TEAM_SHARED. Explicit teams are
          user created teams using the shmem_team_split_strided and
          shmem_team_split_2d operations.

          Default: 512

          Enable using a tree-based algorithm for performing the allreduce
          collective communication operations. For now, the tree-based
          allreduce algorithm is enabled only on allreduce operations
          executed on all participating PEs in the job using the active-set
          based collective communication operations.

          Default: 0 (disabled)

          Controls the cutoff size (in bytes) at or above which the
          optimized broadcast algorithm for very large monolithic data
          buffers is enabled. This environment variable is applicable
          only if the SHMEM_USE_OPT_MASSIVE_BCAST environment variable
          is enabled. The value set in this environment variable is
          interpreted as a number of bytes, unless the number is
          followed by a char that acts as a multiplier. The suffixes
          K, M, and G are supported: K (kilobytes) multiplies by 2**10
          , M (megabytes) multiplies by 2**20 , and G (gigabytes)
          multiplies by 2**30. Valid values are between 0 and

          Default: 16777216 bytes

          Controls the cutoff size (in bytes) at or above which the
          optimized reduction algorithm is used for collective
          reduction operation. This environment variable is applicable
          only if the SHMEM_USE_LARGE_OPT_REDUCE environment variable
          is enabled.

          The value set in this environment variable is interpreted as
          a number of bytes, unless the number is followed by a char
          that acts as a multiplier. The suffixes K, M, and G are
          supported: K (kilobytes) multiplies by 2**10, M (megabytes)
          multiplies by 2**20, and G (gigabytes) multiplies by 2**30.
          Valid values are between 0 and LONG_MAX.

          Default: 16384 bytes

          This variable ensures all active associated child teams are
          destroyed along with the parent team during a
          shmem_team_free operation. All associated team resources
          used by the parent and child teams are freed. Further
          attempt to destroy any child teams associated with this
          parent team will result in an invalid argument error. By
          default, only the parent team is destroyed during a
          shmem_team_free operation.

          Default: 0 (disabled)

          An optimized shared memory based reduction algorithm for
          team-based reduction operations. If set to 0, the default
          reduction algorithm is used for the team-based reduction
          operation. If set to 1, the shared memory based optimized
          reduction algorithm is used for the team-based reduction

          Note:  This optimization is applicable only for team-based
          reduction and not for active-set based reduction operations.
          The usage of this environment variable is independent of
          SHMEM_COLL_OPT_OFF usage. This optimization is effective on
          teams which are distributed across more than one node and
          at least one node from this distribution has more than
          one-PE per node. If rank reordering is selected, this
          optimization will be disabled.

          Default: 0

          Specifies the level of memory reduction optimizations that
          can be performed on maintaining SHMEM team members.

          Accepted Values: 0: No memory reduction optimizations are
          performed | 1: Based on the size of teams crated, team
          members are maintained in a tightly packed list to avoid
          memory wastage on free bits in those lists.

          Default: 0

          An optimized reduction algorithm for large data sizes. If
          set to 0, the default reduction algorithm is used for all
          data sizes. If set to 1, an optimized reduction algorithm
          for large data sizes is used. The cutoff for the data size
          is set using SHMEM_REDUCE_CUTOFF_SIZE. The usage of this
          environment variable is independent of SHMEM_COLL_OPT_OFF

          Default: 0

          An optimized broadcast algorithm for very large monolithic
          data sizes. If set to 0, the default broadcast algorithm
          selection is done based on the data sizes. If set to 1, an
          optimized algorithm is used. The algorithm enabled by this
          environment variable is tuned specifically for very large
          monolithic data sizes of 16MB and above. The cutoff data
          size is set using SHMEM_MASSIVE_BCAST_CUTOFF. The usage of
          this environment variable is independent of SHMEM_COLL_OPT_OFF

          Default: 0

          If set, this variable enables the use of an optimized
          shmem_broadcast algorithm for small messages (<=
          (_SHMEM_BCAST_SYNC_SIZE - 1) * sizeof(long)). Setting this
          variable invalidates advice in the shmem_broadcast man page
          which suggests that you can alternate between only two pSync
          arrays on successive calls to shmem_broadcast. If set, the
          user must use some type of synchronization to guarantee that
          the pSync is no longer in use by a previous call to

          Default: 0 (not enabled)

Cray OpenSHMEMX Libfabric Transport Specific Environment Variables

           If set, detailed fabric information for the selected provider
           will be displayed during shmem_init.

           Default: not set

           If set, more verbose output will be displayed during shmem_init
           to verify which libfabric provider has been selected, along with
           the name and address of the NIC being used. If SHMEM_OFI_NUM_NICS
           is set to more than one NIC, then SHMEM_OFI_PROVIDER_DISPLAY
           will show output for enough ranks on the first node to display
           all NICs on the first node.  From this one can extrapolate NIC
           assignment on the remaining nodes. This may be helpful for
           debugging errors encountered during shmem_init.

           Default: not set

           Specifies the libfabric provider to use.  By default, the
           "verbs;ofi_rxm" provider is selected for Slingshot-10 systems,
           since that is the supported and optimized provider. For
           debugging purposes, other libfabric providers may be requested
           by setting this variable to the desired provider name (i.e.

           Default: "verbs;ofi_rxm" on Slingshot-10 systems

           Specifies the libfabric domain to use.  By default, the default
           for the first matching provider will be used but this value can
           be set to select an alternative.

           Default: not set

           Specifies the libfabric fabric to use.  By default, the default
           for the first matching provider will be used but this value can
           be set to select an alternative.

           Default: not set

           If not set or set to 1, enables the OpenSHMEM API Version 1.2
           routine shmem_global_exit(). If set to 0, shmem_global_exit() is
           disabled and a call to shmem_global_exit() behaves as a call to

           Default: enabled

           By default, OFI connections between PEs are set up on demand.
           This allows for optimal performance while minimizing memory
           requirements.  However, for jobs requiring an all-to-all
           communication pattern, it may be beneficial to
           create all OFI connections in a coordinated manner at startup.
           If set to 1, Cray OpenSHMEMX will create connections between all
           PEs in the job during shmem_init() or shmem_thread_init().

           Default: 0

           This controls the libfabric progress model and how Cray
           OpenSHMEMX interacts with it.  By default, Cray OpenSHMEMX will
           request manual (MANUAL) progress from libfabrics and start an
           asynchronous thread to drive progress.  The alternative is
           requesting automatic (AUTO) progress from libfabrics which
           may use its own progress threads independently of Cray
           OpenSHMEMX which will not start its own asynchronous thread.

           Default: MANUAL

           Controls the user scalable-endpoint for the setting up
           connections during the library initialization. Scale endpoint
           is a NIC capability to allow managing effective network resources
           when multiple pipelines (threads or OpenSHMEM contexts) are used
           per process. By default, an independent endpoint is used per
           thread or context in the implementation. SEP is an experimental
           feature allowing the use of SEP in SHMEM for managing connection

           Default: 0 (disabled)

           Determines the default traffic-class setting for the job.
           Environment variable is used to select the default traffic-class
           for the application. While the environment variable allows users
           to select the traffic class option, it is not guranteed that the
           requested TCLASS option is provided by the implementation.
           Please check the system settings to figure out the availability
           of the different TCLASS modes before using with the
           SHMEM_OFI_DEFAULT_TCLASS setting.

           The following inputs are supported:

           Default: System default TCLASS option

Libfabric Environment Variables That Affect Cray OpenSHMEMX


           This is a verbs;ofi_rxm libfabric ENV variable.  Set this to 1
           to instruct the provider to use shared receive queues.  Using
           shared receive queues can reduce the overall memory usage
           significantly, but may cause latency to increase slightly.
           Setting this to 1 is highly recommended when running jobs with
           all-to-all communication patterns.

           Default: For jobs sizes of < 64 PEs, default is 0
                    For job sizes of 64 PEs or larger, default is 1


           This is a verbs;ofi_rxm libfabric ENV variable.  Set this to 1
           to request use of the XRC (eXtended Reliable Connection)
           protocol.  Note FI_OFI_RXM_USE_SRX must also be set to 1 when
           requesting XRC.  Using the XRC protocol reduces the number of
           connections, hardware resources, and memory footprint for large
           scaling jobs that require a demanding communication pattern. This
           environment variable is required when scaling jobs with an
           all-to-all communication pattern.

           Default: For jobs sizes of < 64 PEs, default is 0
                    For job sizes of 64 PEs or larger, default is 1


           This is a verbs;ofi_rxm libfabric ENV variable. This sets the
           minimum backoff time used when the Mellanox NICs experience
           congestion.  Allowable values are 0-31, with higher values
           corresponding to longer backoffs.  Setting this to 0 is not
           recommended, however, as that translates into a very large
           backoff and will adversely affect performance. Optimal value for
           Slingshot-10 systems are likely between 3 and 6.

           Default: 6

           This defines the total number of memory regions that may be
           registered with the cache. If not set, a default limit is chosen.
           Setting this will reduce the number of regions that are
           registered, regardless of their size, which are not actively
           being used as part of a data transfer. Setting this to zero will
           disable registration caching.

           Default: not set

Cray OpenSHMEMX NIC Selection on the Libfabric Transport Specific Environment Variables

           Specifies the precise PE-to-NIC mapping to use on each node. This
           is evaluated *only* if the *SHMEM_OFI_NIC_POLICY* variable is set
           to *USER*.  This mapping is based on the zero-based local PE value,
           not global PE value.  Each local PE must have a NIC mapping
           assigned by this variable. If there are fewer OpenSHMEMX PEs on
           any node, that portion of the *SHMEM_OFI_NIC_MAPPING* string will
           be ignored.  Add quotes around the entire string to prevent the
           shell from interpreting the value incorrectly.

           The format is as follows:::

           "nic_idx:local_pes; nic_idx:local_pes; nic_idx;local_pes"

           Examples assume 64 PEs placed per node, with each node having 2
           or 3 NICs.

           To assign local_pe 0 to NIC 0, and remaining PEs to NIC 1, use:

            SHMEM_OFI_NIC_MAPPING="0:0; 1:1-63"

           To assign local PEs 0,16,32,48 to NIC 0, and remaining PEs to
           NIC 1:

            SHMEM_OFI_NIC_MAPPING="0:0,16,32,48; 1:1-15,17-31,33-47,49-63"

           To assign local PEs 0-7 to NIC 0, 8-31 to NIC 2, and 32-63 to
           NIC 1:

            SHMEM_OFI_NIC_MAPPING="0:0-7; 2:8-31; 1:32-63"

           Default: not set

           Selects the PE-to-NIC assignment policy used by Cray OpenSHMEMX.
           Each OpenSHMEMX PE will be assigned to exactly one NIC. There are
           four available options:
           *[BLOCK | ROUND-ROBIN | NUMA | USER]*.

           Selects a block distribution. Consecutive local PEs on a node are
           equally distributed among the available NICs on the node. The
           number of PEs on a node are divided by the number of NICs on that
           node (rounded up), with the first X local PEs assigned to NIC 0,
           the next X local PEs assigned to NIC 1, etc.

           For example, with 22 PEs placed per node, and each node having 4

             PEs 0-5 are assigned to NIC 0
             PEs 6-11 are assigned to NIC 1
             PEs 12-17 are assigned to NIC 2
             PEs 18-21 are assigned to NIC 3

           Selects a round-robin distribution. The first local PE on a node
           is assigned to NIC 0, the second PE is assigned NIC 1, the third
           PE is assigned NIC 2, etc. When all NICs on the node have been
           assigned once, the next available local PE will be assigned
           NIC 0, and so on.

           For example, with 22 PEs placed per node, and each node having 4

             PEs 0,4,8,12,16,20 are assigned to NIC 0
             PEs 1,5,9,13,17,21 are assigned to NIC 1
             PEs 2,6,10,14,18 are assigned to NIC 2
             PEs 3,7,11,15,19 are assigned to NIC 3

           Selects a NUMA-aware distribution.  The local PEs are assigned to
           the NIC that is closest to the PE's numa node affinity. If a PE
           is pinned to a core or subset of cores in numa node N, and a NIC
           is also mapped to numa node N, the PE will use that corresponding
           NIC.  If a matching numa node between PE and NIC is not found,
           then the NIC in the closest numa node to the PE is selected. Numa
           distances are analyzed to select the closest NIC.

           For the *NUMA* policy to be successful when multiple NICs per
           node are available, the affinity of the PEs must be constrained
           (pinned) to cores contained within a single numa node. A PE is
           not allowed to float among cores that span numa nodes when
           selecting the *NUMA* policy.  If that condition exists, the job
           will abort with an error message.

           Supports a custom user-selection for NIC assignment. This
           selection requires the *SHMEM_OFI_NIC_MAPPING* variable to also
           be set to indicate the precise PE-to-NIC assignment requested.
           See *SHMEM_OFI_NIC_MAPPING*.

           Default: BLOCK

           Specifies the number of NICs the job can use on a per-node basis.
           By default, when multiple NICs per node are available, OpenSHMEMX
           attempts to use them all. If fewer NICs are desired, this
           variable can be set to indicate the maximum number of NICs per
           node OpenSHMEMX will use. By default, OpenSHMEMX uses consecutive
           NIC indices, starting with index 0.

           To request OpenSHMEMX to use alternative NIC index values, an
           optional segment can be added to this variable by adding a colon
           followed by the desired nic index values. Add quotes around the
           entire string to prevent the shell from interpreting the value

           For example:

           To use 1 NIC per node, index 0, specify:
               export SHMEM_OFI_NUM_NICS=1   (equivalent to SHMEM_OFI_NUM_NICS="1:0")

           To use 1 NIC per node, index 1, specify:
               export SHMEM_OFI_NUM_NICS="1:1"

           To use 2 NICs per node, index 0 and 1, specify:
              export SHMEM_OFI_NUM_NICS=2    (equivalent to SHMEM_OFI_NUM_NICS="2:0,1")

           To use 2 NICs per node, index 1 and 3, specify
              export SHMEM_OFI_NUM_NICS="2:1,3"

           Default: not set (OpenSHMEMX uses one NIC by default)

           If set to 1, the Cray OpenSHMEMX NIC selection algorithm is
           bypassed. In this case, only the first NIC presented via the
           libfabric interface is used. None of the *SHMEM_OFI_NIC_xxx*
           environment variables are processed if this variable is set. This
           mode is for debug purposes.

           Default: 0

           If set to 1, the check for NIC symmetry performed during
           shmem_init will be bypassed. By default, a symmetry check is run
           to make sure all the nodes in the job have the same number of
           NICs available.  An asymmetric NIC layout can pose significant
           performance implications, especially if the user is unaware of
           this condition.

           The NIC symmetry test is currently not supported for Cray OpenSHMEMX.

           Default: 1