
Called at the beginning of an OpenSHMEM program to initialize the execution
environment. This routine is deprecated and is provided for backwards
compatibility. Implementations must include it, and the routine should
function properly and may notify the user about deprecation of its use.


Deprecated Synopsis

Deprecated C/C++ Synopsis

void start_pes(int npes);


npes    Unused  Should be set to 0.


The start_pes routine initializes the OpenSHMEM execution environment. An
OpenSHMEM program must call start_pes, shmem_init, or shmem_init_thread
before calling any other OpenSHMEM routine. Unlike shmem_init and
shmem_init_thread, start_pes does not require a call to shmem_finalize.
Instead, the OpenSHMEM library is implicitly finalized when the program
exits. Implicit finalization is collective and includes a global
synchronization to ensure that all pending communication is completed
before resources are released.

Return Values



If any other OpenSHMEM call occurs before start_pes, the behavior is
undefined. Although it is recommended to set npes to 0 for start_pes,
this is not mandated. The value is ignored. Calling start_pes more
than once has no subsequent effect.
As of OpenSHMEM 1.2 the use of start_pes has been deprecated. Although
OpenSHMEM libraries are required to support the call, users are
encouraged to use shmem_init or shmem_init_thread instead.