
Create two new teams by splitting an existing parent team into two subsets
based on a 2D Cartesian space defined by the xrange argument and a y
dimension that is derived from xrange and the parent team size.

C/C++ Synopsis

int shmem_team_split_2d(shmem_team_t parent_team, int xrange,
                        const shmem_team_config_t *xaxis_config,
                        long xaxis_mask, shmem_team_t *xaxis_team,
                        const shmem_team_config_t *yaxis_config,
                        long yaxis_mask, shmem_team_t *yaxis_team);


IN      parent_team     A valid OpenSHMEM team. Any predefined teams, such
                        as SHMEM_TEAM_WORLD, may be used, or any team
                        created by the user.
IN      xrange          A positive integer representing the number of
                        elements in the first dimension.
IN      xaxis_config    A pointer to the configuration parameters for the
                        new x-axis team.
IN      xaxis_mask      The bitwise mask representing the set of
                        configuration parameters to use from xaxis_config.
OUT     xaxis_team      A new PE team handle representing a PE subset
                        consisting of all the PEs that have the same
                        coordinate along the y-axis as the calling PE.
IN      yaxis_config    A pointer to the configuration parameters for the
                        new y-axis team.
IN      yaxis_mask      The bitwise mask representing the set of
                        configuration parameters to use from yaxis_config.
OUT     yaxis_team      A new PE team handle representing a PE subset
                        consisting of all the PEs that have the same
                        coordinate along the x-axis as the calling PE.


The shmem_team_split_2d routine is a collective operation. It returns two
new teams to the calling PE by splitting an existing parent team into
subsets based on a 2D Cartesian space. The user provides the size of the x
dimension, which is then used to derive the size of the y dimension based on
the size of the parent team. The size of the y dimension will be equal to
[N ÷ xrange], where N is the size of the parent team. In other words,
xrange * yrange ≥ N, so that every PE in the parent team has a unique (x,y)
location in the 2D Cartesian space. The resulting xaxis_team and yaxis_team
correspond to the calling PE’s row and column, respectively, in the 2D
Cartesian space.

The mapping of PE number to coordinates is (x, y) = (pe mod xrange, [pe÷xrange]),
where pe is the PE number in the parent team. For example, if xrange = 3,
then the first 3 PEs in the parent team will form the first xteam, the
second three PEs in the parent team form the second xteam, and so on.

Thus, after the split operation, each of the new xteams will contain all PEs
that have the same coordinate along the y-axis as the calling PE. Each of
the new yteams will contain all PEs with the same coordinate along the
x-axis as the calling PE.

The PEs are numbered in the new teams based on the coordinate of the PE along
the given axis. As a result, the value returned by shmem_team_my_pe(xteam)
is the x-coordinate and the value returned by shmem_team_my_pe(yteam) is the
y-coordinate of the calling PE.

Any valid OpenSHMEM team can be used as the parent team. This routine must
be called by all PEs in the parent team. The value of xrange must be
positive and all PEs in the parent team must pass the same value for xrange.
When xrange is greater than the size of the parent team, shmem_team_split_2d
behaves as though xrange were equal to the size of the parent team.

The xaxis_config and yaxis_config arguments specify team configuration
parameters for the x- and y-axis teams, respectively. These parameters are
described in Section shmem_team_config(3). All PEs that will be in the same
resultant team must specify the same configuration parameters. The PEs in
the parent team do not have to all provide the same parameters for new teams.

The xaxis_mask and yaxis_mask arguments are a bitwise masks representing the
set of configuration parameters to use from xaxis_config and yaxis_config,
respectively. A mask value of 0 indicates that the team should be created
with the default values for all configuration parameters. See Section
shmem_team_config(3) for field mask names and default configuration parameters.

If parent_team compares equal to SHMEM_TEAM_INVALID, then no new teams will
be created and both xaxis_team and yaxis_team will be assigned the value
SHMEM_TEAM_INVALID. If parent_team is otherwise invalid, the behavior is

If any xaxis_team or yaxis_team on any PE in parent_team cannot be created,
then both team handles on all PEs in parent_team will be assigned the value
SHMEM_TEAM_INVALID and shmem_team_split_2d will return a nonzero value

Return Values

Zero on successful creation of all xaxis_teams and yaxis_teams; otherwise,


Since the split may result in a 2D space with more points than there are
members of the parent team, there may be a final, incomplete row of the 2D
mapping of the parent team. This means that the resultant yteams may vary in
size by up to 1 PE, and that there may be one resultant xteam of smaller
size than all of the other xteams.

The following grid shows the 12 teams that would result from splitting a
parent team of size 10 with xrange of 3. The numbers in the grid cells are
the PE numbers in the parent team. The rows are the xteams. The columns are
the yteams.

|               |   yteam | yteam   |   yteam   |
|               |   x=0   | x=1     |   x=2     |
|   xteam, y=0  |   0     | 1       |   2       |
|   xteam, y=1  |   3     | 4       |   5       |
|   xteam, y=2  |   6     | 7       |   8       |
|   xteam, y=3  |   9     |         |           |

It would be legal, for example, if PEs 0, 3, 6, 9 specified a different
value for yaxis_config than all of the other PEs, as long as the
configuration parameters match for all PEs in each of the new teams. See the
description of team handles and predefined teams in Section 9.4 for more
information about team handle semantics and usage.


Example 12. The following example demonstrates the use of 2D Cartesian split
in a C/C++ program. This example shows how multiple 2D splits can be used to
generate a 3D Cartesian split.
#include <shmem.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

/* Find x and y such that x * y == npes and abs(x - y) is minimized. */
static void find_xy_dims(int npes, int *x, int *y) {
    for(int divider = ceil(sqrt(npes)); divider >= 1; divider--) {
        if (npes % divider == 0) {
            *x = divider;
            *y = npes / divider;

/* Find x, y, and z such that x * y * z == npes and
 * abs(x - y) + abs(x - z) + abs(y - z) is minimized. */
static void find_xyz_dims(int npes, int *x, int *y, int *z) {
    for(int divider = ceil(cbrt(npes)); divider >= 1; divider--) {
        if (npes % divider == 0) {
            *x = divider;
            find_xy_dims(npes / divider, y, z);

int main(void) {
    int xdim, ydim, zdim;

    int mype = shmem_my_pe();
    int npes = shmem_n_pes();

    find_xyz_dims(npes, &xdim, &ydim, &zdim);

    if (shmem_my_pe() == 0) printf("xdim = %d, ydim = %d, zdim = %d\n", xdim, ydim, zdim);

    shmem_team_t xteam, yzteam, yteam, zteam;
    shmem_team_split_2d(SHMEM_TEAM_WORLD, xdim, NULL, 0, &xteam, NULL, 0, &yzteam);

    // yzteam is immediately ready to be used in collectives
    shmem_team_split_2d(yzteam, ydim, NULL, 0, &yteam, NULL, 0, &zteam);

    // We don’t need the yzteam anymore
    int my_x = shmem_team_my_pe(xteam);
    int my_y = shmem_team_my_pe(yteam);
    int my_z = shmem_team_my_pe(zteam);

    for (int zdx = 0; zdx < zdim; zdx++) {
        for (int ydx = 0; ydx < ydim; ydx++) {
            for (int xdx = 0; xdx < xdim; xdx++) {
                if ((my_x == xdx) && (my_y == ydx) && (my_z == zdx)) {
                    printf("(%d, %d, %d) is mype = %d\n", my_x, my_y, my_z, mype);
    return 0;

The example above splits SHMEM_TEAM_WORLD into a 3D team with dimensions xdim, ydim, and zdim, where each dimension is calculated using the functions, find_xy_dims and find_xyz_dims. When running with 12 PEs, the dimensions are 3x2x2, respectively, and the first split of SHMEM_TEAM_WORLD results in 4 xteams and 3 yzteams:

yzteam x = 0 x = 1 x = 2 xteam yz = 0 0 1 2 yz = 1 3 4 5 yz = 2 6 7 8 yz = 3 9 10 11 The second split of yzteam for x = 0, ydim = 2 results in 2 yteams and 2 zteams: zteam y = 0 y = 1 yteam z = 0 0 3 z = 1 6 9 The second split of yzteam for x = 1, ydim = 2 results in 2 yteams and 2 zteams: zteam y = 0 y = 1 yteam z = 0 1 4 z = 1 7 10 The second split of yzteam for x = 2, ydim = 2 results in 2 yteams and 2 zteams: zteam y = 0 y = 1 yteam z = 0 2 5 z = 1 8 11

The final number of teams for each dimension are: • 4 xteams: these are teams where (z,y) is fixed and x varies. • 6 yteams: these are teams where (x,z) is fixed and y varies. • 6 zteams: these are teams where (x,y) is fixed and z varies. The expected output with 12 PEs is: xdim = 3, ydim = 2, zdim = 2 (0, 0, 0) is mype = 0 (1, 0, 0) is mype = 1 (2, 0, 0) is mype = 2 (0, 1, 0) is mype = 3 (1, 1, 0) is mype = 4 (2, 1, 0) is mype = 5 (0, 0, 1) is mype = 6 (1, 0, 1) is mype = 7 (2, 0, 1) is mype = 8 (0, 1, 1) is mype = 9 (1, 1, 1) is mype = 10 (2, 1, 1) is mype = 11